Customrank Numbers

Started by mrtrlt, January 18, 2012, 13:40


Quote from: Joshy on January 19, 2012, 00:56
Personally I want the ability to put in my rank "19 fuel missions left".

It's still technically not a rank.


I have considered what you have all said. I thought the "69" issue was going to be the issue here and I was right. If people wanted to be immature they could. You could just ignore it.

And I agree with Joshy. Mick, most people actually don't use their "Custom Rank" as a Custom Rank. They do random stuff. For example. Yesterday my friend Skippy had his set at Lama. Now.. first of all Skippy isn't a lama and lama isn't a rank so I say numbers should be allowed for this very reason.

Even if numbers dont get added symbols would be cool

eg: "©ome Here" or something similar..

They could be used just to make ranks a little bit more interesting and people can play around with it.


i dont get it why u mick do care about players customranks, if some1 will set trains are fast,
its not a real rank of ur experience, so why wont u give us possibilities for setting what do we want ? :o