time for truck load

Started by xXpirrettoXx, December 15, 2011, 15:46


for example max 12 minutes Eyre logistic-Bayside


This is a terrible idea. I am a trucker in real life and im not "timed" thats stupid.

Nor should there be a time, for delivery.



in reality, do not tell you what time should download?? arrivals per hour, or company you want?


-1 i dont really like this idea...

DJ Kiwi

-1 more rushing on and off th ferry

Click My signature ;)


what you don't realize is that the more time you take, the greater the payout is. that is the way the script is designed.
[hide=when smokey tried to eat me]
Quote[15:00:41] <Rahail> R16 smoky wants you!
[15:00:58] <R16RACA> ahhh!
[15:01:15] <Rahail> the fuck 530kph on FREway
[hide=Konali summing me up]
Quote from: KonaliR16 u where maybe a quiet guy, but you are one of the smartest persons i have seen here and i never saw u gettin in trouble. U are a role model for alot players that cant behave and i will really really miss you.
[hide=quotes from Mick]
Quote from: Mick88*Mick88 announced: Fuuuuuu!
Quote from: Mick88"fuck off" is merely a kind request
Quote from: mick88
New theme is so sexy I want to make love to it
[hide=why ELM is not allowed here]It is not allowed as it is a mod that can be seen by other truckers, who might not want to look at flashing lights all the time. This is why only non laggy mods that only you can see are allowed.[/hide]


if it expects to deliver you take more?


-1 for the idea becuase:

Quote from: xXpirrettoXx on December 15, 2011, 18:33
for example max 12 minutes Eyre logistic-Bayside

If no problem in a Roadtrain but what about a linerunner, People do still drive them and for some reason I don't think mick is going to time every load. Also this technicly would make convoys worse because you can not wait for othes incase you miss the time and if their are accidents.



hmmmm.. NO!
reason: all would rush to be first and imagine when leader would be slow coz he would use petrol..
it would be rushing-rushing-to-unload missions..


Nope big fail to be honest cuz people in linerunner cant make it that fast and lags and ram = more money lost then ever and people will rage and leave
[SAP]Egert: viper and Boy arent brothers right?
DeHavilland: Nope
DeHavilland: Boy is from NL and Viper is from AUS

We aren't brothers, we just act like them.


Hell no,
When i need to go brb for a min I lose time so...
It's a big -1.


Quote from: Santa News - Xmas news time on December 15, 2011, 20:45
what you don't realize is that the more time you take, the greater the payout is. that is the way the script is designed.
then u know nothing about trucking
Quote from: Ethan on February 02, 2012, 21:38

Hope to never see your name on this server again after what you did this afternoon anri



Quote from: Brand New Name on December 16, 2011, 13:11
Quote from: Santa News - Xmas news time on December 15, 2011, 20:45
what you don't realize is that the more time you take, the greater the payout is. that is the way the script is designed.
then u know nothing about trucking
so maybe do that like the /overload, maybe /timeload and you are getting a timer ... and ofc the time for diffrent truck will be another, for example Eyre -Bayside: rt - 10 minutes, petrol 14 minutes, lineruner 16 minutes.

+1 from me, its good idea, and if you are on -1 you will not use /timeload...thats all. Or if its will be the script, /work you are getting mission for example: Fort Carson Plant Hire - San Fierro Medical Center you can do the bonus but only if you want. So if you will loading you will get info: If you do this mission in 8 minutes you will get a extra bonus. So the ppl whos dont want it they will dont lose money.