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Got a dirty joke for ya :P

Started by Corvette, December 11, 2011, 09:20


A doc told a man that masturbating before sex, often helped men last longer during the act. The man decided, "What the heck, I'll try it."He spent all day thinking about where to do it. He couldn't do it in his office, the restroom was too open & an alley was too unsafe. Finally, he realized his solution. On his way home he pulled his truck over on the side of the highway. He go
t out & crawled und...erneath as if examining the truck. Satisfied with the privacy, he undid his pants & started to masturbate, he closed his eyes & thought of his lover. As he grew closer to orgasm, he felt a quick tug at his pant leg. Not wanting to lose his mental fantasy or the orgasm, he kept his eyes shut and replied, "What?" He heard , "This is the police. What in the hell are you doing?" The man replied, "I'm checking out the rear axle, it's busted." The cop says,.........................

"Well, you better check your brakes too because your truck rolled down the hill!!



''Feel my pain, because it is pain, which I wake up every day."- Mike Tyson




[SAP]Egert: viper and Boy arent brothers right?
DeHavilland: Nope
DeHavilland: Boy is from NL and Viper is from AUS

We aren't brothers, we just act like them.


Best joke I've ever heard in a long time.

Goodbye DeHavilland, you will be greatly missed by me and all of the CT community.
I am from North London. (England)
Quote from: Zeljko ConvoyMi no saying money and nickname and ip NO my ist may Frend say money NO MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY unban me pls ist no nickname and IP may Frend ist nickname and IP


no animated signatures allowed


Got a new one ;)

Three nuns were talking. The first nun said, "The other day, I was cleaning Father McInty's room and I found pornographic magazines under his bed!"

The second nun said, "I can top that. Yesterday I was cleaning Father McInty's room and I found some condoms!"

The other nuns asked, "What did you do with them?"

The second nun said, "I poked holes in them."

The third nun fainted.



25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


Goodbye DeHavilland, you will be greatly missed by me and all of the CT community.
I am from North London. (England)
Quote from: Zeljko ConvoyMi no saying money and nickname and ip NO my ist may Frend say money NO MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY unban me pls ist no nickname and IP may Frend ist nickname and IP
