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Started by Dan_Nobleman, December 06, 2011, 01:06


Quote from: Rubber The Grinch on December 06, 2011, 13:37
what is with you always fighting!?!? Nagy, if you don't have anything to say about the topic at hand, don't say anything at all....especially if it is not nice. Stop antagonizing players. Snake, when he antagonizes just ignore it, he's just looking for attention. Perhaps he gets a rise from it?

WTF are you talking about?I have not posted a damn thing about Snake.And how the fuck im looking for attention?There are bunch of attention seekers who make a post like "im leaving" " i will be inactive" "i did this and that" etc but you would not say they are looking for attention.Yes i might post things which other people dont like,because im not double faced like most of the people,i say what i really think,not what people want to hear.I never looked for attention,and i really dont give a shit what other players do,this is why i dont have facebook because i fucking dont care about people who act cool through Facebook but in the reality they are shitty persons who cant help to their friends if they are in a big trouble.So yeah im not a facebook guy who always post something to his message board which nobody cares about it so nice try


Quote from: Nagy_Sanyi on December 06, 2011, 19:02
Quote from: Rubber The Grinch on December 06, 2011, 13:37
what is with you always fighting!?!? Nagy, if you don't have anything to say about the topic at hand, don't say anything at all....especially if it is not nice. Stop antagonizing players. Snake, when he antagonizes just ignore it, he's just looking for attention. Perhaps he gets a rise from it?
WTF are you talking about?I have not posted a damn thing about Snake.
Rubber meant naury.. dont worry..

Quote from: Joshy on December 06, 2011, 17:22
Wnei ti cer o yma a cael bywyd sy'n barchu pobl eraill?
anri yn unig yw bachgen albaneg nad yw'n gofalu am eraill..


Quote from: Santa $nake on December 06, 2011, 13:21
Quote from: naury on December 06, 2011, 12:50
snake your attitude to life is lame.
you dont want to do nothing extream, u like peacful life, no fights, no parties no nothing!

wtf man? how can that be possible?
Look.. i was teached by parents that fight wont fix any problem.. If i did sth wrong at home
or somewhere, they gave me a ban, its normal between parents-child.. Like here, before i get ban,
i was always getting warnings that i shouldnt do that, and ive learned.. Peaceful life without
any conflicts is much better, its perfect life, and i will be perfect guy in their op. if i will find
a nice nob and a nice girl for my life.. maybe its bored if u have other attitude for life, but i like it..
dont drink alcohol (so much or at all), dont smoke (cigs, weed, etc), dont swear, dont provoke,
and u will be perfect guy for ur parents (of course if they will apprecate this), violence isnt an option!

This guy, he's telling the truth.

I've been bullied ever since I can remember, but the fact that I've done practically nothing that'd make my parents sad, they gave me the strength to keep on moving, and look at me now. I'm doing great in school, I have a really nice girlfriend, I don't have any health problems at all, everyone has respect FOR me so they get respect back FROM me.

I have never been in a fight. I've decided to ignore people who want to fight when I was around 8, and look where it got me. I strongly believe that a world without violence would be way better.


Please, everybody who insists on fighting here, this is the wrong thread to do it in, this thread is about a topic that is touching to a lot of us.

I can feel for everybody who has been in this situation, since i've been bullied and outcasted since 1st grade.


I heard this was a troll.

He posted a video recently, chewing gum like a horse and acting like a spoilt brat about how everyone in his school loves him and is his friend.

If it's real, fairply i can't imagine the shit he went through, if it's a joke he can burn in hell playing on my heartstrings like that :x
View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



Quote from: Google on December 06, 2011, 17:50
In time things will change for him , because it will make him stronger and stronger and someday his nerves will explode and they will get bullied , also about the childrens part if i'll have a kid and it gets bullied i'll let it be , just for 1-2 times , he needs to learn a life lesson . if the problem still continues i'll warn them , if the problem still continues ..... I'll kick they're asses and they're parents ones .

Yeah as you guys said  everybody likes peace , but it can't happen so you must be prepared for anything , you MUST know how to defend yourself (fight AND run) in life.

unfortunately u got to look at the bad side of wat can happen when those nerves explode which is what happened with "Columbine" and other schools. Plus ignoring them doesn't always work in my case it sometimes made it worse. But moving to a new town made things easier. Yes the bullying still continued, but it was different and fewer people doing it, and i was in high school which is easier to avoid the bullies cause most of the time they are in different classes than you.

I like that you will actually do something about if it goes on too long. Its more caring parents like this that we need.


Perhaps i'm not a victim of this shit created by humanity itself due to lack of information they have on each other. but well people sometimes are a bit disrespectful to me or my friend just becausewe act different cuz we speak about old games and geek stuff. and some japanese shit. but nothing like someone punched me in a face because of that. also $nake your post is shameful. i study in a public school. and perhaps that never happen. this kind of shit happen if the school is really in an awful status. the most 'shit' thing someone did in my school was put fire in a trash can. or the general food fight near the end of the school some 'private' schools. (at least here) some of my friends say the shit is even more worst than public. anyway. Overall Bullying is a shitload of bad education from the bullier's parents or the childhood he bullier have. like divorced and problematic parents.

[hide=The Best Progressive Rock you can Hear]Feel The Crimson King

In the Court of the Crimson King - In the Wake of Poseidon - Lizard - Islands
Larks' Tongues in Aspic - Starless and Bible Black - Red - Discipline
Beat - Three of a Perfect Pair - THRAK - The ConstruKction of Light -The Power to Believe

The Wolf

This is a quote from a song "The Call" by Matt Kennon

"If someone you know is weighing on your mind
And needs a friend on the other end of the line
Don't hesitate what you say may seem so small
But who knows
They might be glad you called"

...Even one person can make it better
Quote from: The_Hobo on September 13, 2012, 03:52
Why do some of you listen to explosive diarrhea?


Quote from: Joshy on December 06, 2011, 17:22
Wnei ti cer o yma a cael bywyd sy'n barchu pobl eraill?
anri yn unig yw bachgen albaneg nad yw'n gofalu am eraill..

Quote from: Ethan on February 02, 2012, 21:38

Hope to never see your name on this server again after what you did this afternoon anri


guys the point is : war ISN'T the solution AT ALL !
i always ignore some1 when he wants fighting and guess what
i am the winner after all :) coz i dnt care about him i just care about my studies and mmy family and my future :) thats all i give a shit about .. and girls ofc :)


Quote from: naury on December 06, 2011, 12:50
snake your attitude to life is lame.
you dont want to do nothing extream, u like peacful life, no fights, no parties no nothing!

wtf man? how can that be possible?

my child wont get bullied, because he will start mma since young days!
if u dont know that so is that type of sport not allowed outside the arena/training... so learning MMA is not an optiont to not get bullied.

im bullied too so i know how he feels.


Some people say that getting bullied gives everyone strenght and builds up character. That's a load of crap. Some people (like me) do gain strenght and learn how to deal with it. But some people just keep the pain inside and when they get older they inflict it on others.
The thing is, bullying is just wrong. Everyone has it's own way of dealing with it but it will always be lost time, because it could've been better. And the most painful part is : adults won't ever do enough to stop it. Some will do what it takes, but most of them will ignore it.

For the ones who are in the same situation like the kid in the video (including him, of course): I know how it is. Just hang on and everything will be ok. Don't let them change you!!! You're better than that!!!
no animated signatures allowed


Quote from: Santas's DaD on December 07, 2011, 12:34
Quote from: naury on December 06, 2011, 12:50
snake your attitude to life is lame.
you dont want to do nothing extream, u like peacful life, no fights, no parties no nothing!

wtf man? how can that be possible?

my child wont get bullied, because he will start mma since young days!
if u dont know that so is that type of sport not allowed outside the arena/training... so learning MMA is not an optiont to not get bullied.

im bullied too so i know how he feels.
Same here I'm bullied.
[hide=Our Renault Dauphine]



2014 with new team colour



Brought tears to my eyes, Loved the last part, really reminded me of my childhood, i was bullied alot.

Everyone who is still in school stay strong, they do it just to make themselves good.


people get bullied everyday and like this guy they get put down and wonder why thier still living... a lot of them kill themselfs because they believe that nobody loves them and nobody has respect for them. what this kid is doing is touching and sad, BUT he is doing the right thing and he is RIGHT when he says i have Millions of reasons to be here. If your being bullied dont feel down.