Christmas Gifts/Secret Santa

Started by Axi., December 01, 2011, 23:27


Dear santa gimmie 1,5 mil $ from SweetEmotion back -,-


dear santa i want enough money for a sandking only 500k to go =/
Banned for show boating in game /warns like an immature child. Warnings are not cool, and are not to brag about.


Dear Santa, pls ban all the fucking noobs from the server :gtfo:

Quote from: Joshy on August 31, 2012, 16:16
Go Jedi!
Quote from: Vado19 on March 08, 2013, 00:03
i no longer want to taste that cake because jedi fapped all over it.....


Good idea,we should be able to buy gifts in the shops and give it to eachothers.Or there should be a Santa flying with his sledge and giving gifts to everyone but unfortunately Smokey would ban him :/

Quote from: Jedi on December 02, 2011, 15:53
Dear Santa, pls ban all the fucking noobs from the server :gtfo:

You want an empty server? :D


Dear santa i want to buy 3 slot house for like 5 months (or mybe more) please be so kind and do for me just 1 little thing... let me buy 3 slottie :D :]


Dear Santa,
I want 2 million, Thank you.


Dear santa, pls give me Nitros on my shamal and stunt.

thx.  8)


Dear Santa i want her. THANK YOU.  :smile2:



Dear Santa, All I want is 3 million, it would make me so happy.
Thank you.


Dear Santa please stop wasting time with reading all this replies and please,i  beg u dont give them what they asked for, u and me both know that Santa is a huge commerce thinghy and all u want is cookies and milk. So please ignore these littlle game addicts and if u really think they deserved something i would advice them some fresh air and new brains.

Thank u very much,


Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.


Quote from: Konali on December 02, 2011, 22:59
Dear Santa please stop wasting time with reading all this replies and please,i  beg u dont give them what they asked for, u and me both know that Santa is a huge commerce thinghy and all u want is cookies and milk. So please ignore these littlle game addicts and if u really think they deserved something i would advice them some fresh air and new brains.

Thank u very much,

lol xD
[hide=Our Renault Dauphine]



2014 with new team colour



So . . . who is to determine who gets in on this.  And if some are allowed, why are others not.  I don't see this as something that would be fair to all.

And as for the "Ban the Noobs", Nagy is right.  With out those "Noobs" this server would not exist.



Dear Santa,

I want you to please please please find some guy called mick, bound him, and torture him until he ads house auctions and a lot more houses on the map, now with 0.3d. I've been good all year... seriously


Dear Santa, i want a pony, in blue with flames painted on its side, and a huge wooden spoiler
1st non-admin/mod to get %100 62/62 on the CVT quiz
1999 Mazda Familia Sport20
1984 Mazda RX7


Quote from: ThomasKirkman on December 02, 2011, 23:15
So . . . who is to determine who gets in on this.  And if some are allowed, why are others not.  I don't see this as something that would be fair to all.

you actually think these things are gnna come true?? I could tell santa to fix the two unused bases but its hardly going to happen for christmass (thats not what I want but you get the point)  people are replying for fun man.