Server Pay Statistics

Started by Storm94, October 28, 2011, 21:36


Hello all!

Im kind of a stats nerd, and when someone created a thread about server pay, and what is the most efficient mission type, that is, what mission gives you the most amount of money the fastest, I thought, I can do that! So heres my attempt. I need a few things from ANY AND ALL PLAYERS willing to contribute. The more people that contribute, the more accurate this will be:

Mission done: (Load-Unload Points)
Pay Received:
Time Taken:
Mission Type: (Arctic, Dumper, Cement, Fuel, Thief, Plane, Heli, Van, Tow)
Vehicle Used:
Miles/KM driven (I can convert):

Some mission specific things include:

For thief:

Did you get arrested?
Before or after unloading?
Time spent in jail

Also, to get an arrest percentage per x cops:

How many cops were on?


For Fuel:

3, 4 or 5 Dst?


For Arctic/Dumper

This one is for $nake, who claims he wastes 10 minutes a day on overload checks

Did you get weighed?
How long did it take from the message appearance, to "Free to go"?


From mick, if youre willing, I need a few numbers.

How many possible Arctic, Dumper, Van, Heli, and Cement missions are there (seperetly)?
How many gas stations are there? (I counted 29)
How is pay calculated? Is it based on distance? If so, whats the constant, so I can revert the pay to get a raw distance?


If you want to contribute to this, or help me, then please dont hesitate to reply. If you have mission statistics to give me, please PM the results to me, so the thread doesnt get clogged.

Is my math wrong? TELL ME!

Lets hope that this is successful!

I'm back, bitches :D

[glow=#282828,10,500]"I dislike Apple, so no." -mick88
"$nake honestly you are one arrogant prick." -Shane0
"The rest of you who I could consider trolls, just go fuck yourself." -Joshy
"TheGame, All I have to say is you complain a lot, and you're probally gonna be an even more arrogant, pompous jackass after this." -RaceRX
"I have a suggestion: Repost this in a respectful manner without caps, silly colors and big fonts, and perhaps someone will give a fuck about your complaint." -mick88

Can't read my quotes? Stop using the white style.


I'm back, bitches :D

[glow=#282828,10,500]"I dislike Apple, so no." -mick88
"$nake honestly you are one arrogant prick." -Shane0
"The rest of you who I could consider trolls, just go fuck yourself." -Joshy
"TheGame, All I have to say is you complain a lot, and you're probally gonna be an even more arrogant, pompous jackass after this." -RaceRX
"I have a suggestion: Repost this in a respectful manner without caps, silly colors and big fonts, and perhaps someone will give a fuck about your complaint." -mick88

Can't read my quotes? Stop using the white style.


Mission done: (Load-Unload Points): 1 load point and 5 unload points
Pay Received: $31048 + 750 bonus for own truck
Time Taken: 16 minutes
Mission Type: (Arctic, Dumper, Cement, Fuel, Thief, Plane, Heli, Van, Tow) Fuel
Vehicle Used: Roadtrain
Miles/KM driven (I can convert): 19km

For Fuel:

3, 4 or 5 Dst? : 5 destinations


Mission done: (Load-Unload Points) Hunter Quarry- Bayside Construction Site
Pay Received: $5405 ($400 bonus own truck and trailer)
Time Taken: 5mins with a little crash
Mission Type: Artic
Vehicle Used: Roadtrain+ Artic Trailer 3
Miles/KM driven (I can convert): +-6km

second mission:
Mission done: (Load-Unload Points) Bone County Warehouse- Discount Furniture
Pay Received: $3633 (Bonus for own truck+trailer $400)
Time Taken: 2mins
Mission Type: Artic
Vehicle Used: Roadtrain + Artic Trailer 3
Miles/KM driven (I can convert): 4.5km

Third Mission:
Mission done: (Load-Unload Points) Last Drop Warehouse- LS Dock Warehouse
Pay Received:  $7.113 with own truck+trailer bonus
Time Taken: 2-3 mins
Mission Type: Artic
Vehicle Used: Roadtrain+ Artic Trailer 3
Miles/KM driven (I can convert): +-4km

4th mission:
Mission done: (Load-Unload Points) Los Santos Warehouse- San Fierro Contruction
Pay Received: $8.754 (with truck+trailer bonus)
Time Taken: 4mins
Mission Type: Artic
Vehicle Used:  Roadtrain+Artic Trailer 3

This is the last one that i will post here today.