Police Duty Clarification

Started by ThomasKirkman, August 27, 2011, 20:02


Quote from: ThomasKirkman on October 04, 2011, 18:59
Because "Camping" is still doing the police duties.  Just maybe not how YOU want them done.  I can sit at the LV/LS intersection and issue tickets and weigh all day long.  AND I can sit in Bone County and do the same.  OR, I can drive all over the map and ticket the exact same people, the exact same way.  I just depends on how you want to do it.  But then if you don't spend hardly any time classed as a cop, what does it matter to you HOW we do our jobs as long as the get done and get done fairly?

Idling as a cop and Camping as a cop are not the same and it is time they were left alone.  I am putting together a more comprehensive list of police duties, and this is how I listed Idling.  It is Micks definition and some common sense information.

"Police are not allowed to "Idle".  An "Idling" police officer is someone who walks away from the computer, ALT-TABs or simply doesn't sustain any activity in-game and doesn't react to wanted players running free in the server.
However, in the event that you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), find a spot that is out of the main line of traffic and put yourself 10-7 Out of Service.  This is done by opening the chat window, and entering the CB Code "/7".  That will show you out of service.  If you will be gone for more than 5 minutes, please log off and then log back in when you return."


This is where my idea comes in with the pause thing. So that admins can tell the difference.


Quote from: Matt on October 05, 2011, 03:21
Quote from: ThomasKirkman on October 04, 2011, 18:59
Because "Camping" is still doing the police duties.  Just maybe not how YOU want them done.  I can sit at the LV/LS intersection and issue tickets and weigh all day long.  AND I can sit in Bone County and do the same.  OR, I can drive all over the map and ticket the exact same people, the exact same way.  I just depends on how you want to do it.  But then if you don't spend hardly any time classed as a cop, what does it matter to you HOW we do our jobs as long as the get done and get done fairly?

Idling as a cop and Camping as a cop are not the same and it is time they were left alone.  I am putting together a more comprehensive list of police duties, and this is how I listed Idling.  It is Micks definition and some common sense information.

"Police are not allowed to "Idle".  An "Idling" police officer is someone who walks away from the computer, ALT-TABs or simply doesn't sustain any activity in-game and doesn't react to wanted players running free in the server.
However, in the event that you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), find a spot that is out of the main line of traffic and put yourself 10-7 Out of Service.  This is done by opening the chat window, and entering the CB Code "/7".  That will show you out of service.  If you will be gone for more than 5 minutes, please log off and then log back in when you return."


This is where my idea comes in with the pause thing. So that admins can tell the difference.

We can, if we spectate someone, and they are Paused or ALT+TAB'ed out of game, it says 'PAUSED' IN the middle of our screen, or you can tell IG sometimes because they are standing on their car or whatever.

For the Idling and Camping issue, I believe personally, that camping should be allowed, you can tell the obvious difference between them. I think i will have to use Joshy's method and message them, if they don't move etc, kick them.

Accidental ramming during citation, it happens, its purely an accident most of the time, and Joshy's method works well too, go off angle or to the side of them to cite them. If they cut you off, its intentional blocking by the trucker, screen/record and report him.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


I like the camping cops though, when you got fines to pay at least you know where they are and don't usually have to chase them all over the map. Give a good reason why it should be disallowed, not "It causes confusion over whether their idling or not." Think they're idling? Ask them, send em a pm, if they don't reply in a few moments that usually clarifies if they're at the computer or not.

And why is this always coming up, there will always be differences of opinions in this matter, want to really find out what's what, mick will tell you and that will be that and I'm sure Josh knows what he's talking about too.